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Later that day. Danielle and her girls tried out for the junior cheer team. “What do we have here? Queen wannabe and her pack.” The senior cheerleader comments. “We need fire for the junior team not an earthquake.” The other girl at the table says. “Play this song. And it’s password protected so don't try anything funny.” Danielle flashed a smile. “You are so lucky that molly kicked in. I feel so fucking good right now.” Crystal laughed. The girls posed, and the music started. Everything slowed down and Throughout the performance, the girls managed to stay in rhythm and Crystal managed to prove her dedication. Even when she started to sweat. “That was actually really good.” One of the girls says, shocked. “Well, it was good. Definitely room for improvement.” The senior captain fought the words but had to say them. “Looks like you three will be cheerleaders after all. I expect a workout plan for you though. Danielle can lead the junior squad.” She directed it towards Crystal. “I won't disappoint.” She replies. “I won't either.” Danielle winks.
Carl, Lucas and Nate barged into the gym wearing short shorts and half cut T’s. They cheered and mocked the cheerleaders in a playful way. “You nerds!” Danielle yelled, cracking up at the sight of her brother in short shorts. He ran over and spun her around. “Congrats.” He laughs. “You must be her boo.” The senior cheer captain pranced over to them. “Ew. God no. This is my twin brother.” Danielle gagged. “Even better. Can’t wait to see more of you.” The senior cheer captain smiles.
2 . A Star is born
Danielle was always one for dramatics, ever since she could remember. In elementary school, she met her best friend Brielle. They spent nearly everyday together. Shopping and people watching, some weekends they would stay locked away in Dani’s room playing dress up and princesses. Danielle was always in control, but she would never take it too far to make Brielle upset.
In middle school, Brielle and Danielle formed their own clique called The Blossoms. It was a nod to redhead Blossom and her leadership skills in The Power Puff Girls. They were obsessed over and admired by many. Social media made them famous and they started gaining fame around Savannah. In eighth grade, they started getting invited to high school parties. “What about this?” Danielle asks, trying on a pearl tube top with a leather mini skirt. “Girl I love that!” Brielle was astonished, putting on lace cat ears.
Freshman and sophomore year, they dropped their clique and became inseparable. Half of the girls at the school desperately wanted to be their friends. The other half rolled their eyes and got upset when their boyfriends would drool over them. Then they became cheerleaders. “Since you girls basically run the school, Justin says you guys have to be at his party this weekend.” Nate leaned over the kitchen island. “Party? That would be fun. Brielle, tell your mother that I love the remodeled home and I can’t get it out of my head.” Hazel smiles. “I will.” Brielle returns the smile. “And I think we should go. I mean what’s the worst that could happen? Nate is right, we are Queens.” Brielle takes a bite of her cereal bar.
Saturday came, and Justin’s party was in full effect. Kids from multiple schools were there and dancing like no one was watching. Weed was being grind, mixed and passed around. Danielle put her hair in a half top bun as the rest of the curls washed down her back. Her leather cami dress chokes her body tighter than the choker she wore. “Here. Tonight is going to be so fun.” Danielle handed Brielle a blue pill that had what looks like a butterfly engraved in it. Butterflies were her favorite. “What is this?” Brielle asks as Danielle crushed it up and snorted it. Letting out a sigh of relief followed by the smile on her full red lips, Danielle looked at her. “It’s molly. It’s nothing bad I promise.” She held out her pinky. The foundation of trust between them. Brielle swallowed it and took a sip of water. “If anything goes down find me ASAP. I will protect you two.” Nate says, taking half of the last pill.
The night went on and…
F riday finally showed up and the girls had major plans. “Tonight, is my sleep over. I know it sounds childish, but it’ll be interesting, trust me. This will be a sleepover that you’ve never seen before.” Danielle explains with a confident look on her face. “I can’t wait. Honestly the girls are excited.” Crystal clutches her books to her chest. “Nate.” Danielle trots up to the jocks. “Tonight, you don’t need to be there. Please find something to do.” She begs. “I will be fine. I’ll even stay in my room if you want.” Nate contests. “Dude. We can find something to do.” His new friend; Lucas butts in. “Please Lukey. Take him. Have fun you guys.” She kisses Lucas on the cheek, leaving a red mark. “Anything for you Dani.” Lucas smiles, gripping the black book bag straps. Danielle goes back to her friends. “Dude. Your sister is so hot. Like damn.” He comments. “No. she’s off limits.” Nate shakes his head at the thought of them. “How about this? There is a frat party happening in the Villas. They will have the best-looking girls and the wildest games. It’ll be fun. Tell your parents that you’re staying at my house.” Lucas plans. “Dude. Let’s do it!” Nate gives him a bro hug.
The bell rang, and school was out. “I will see you ladies at my house at five sharp.” Danielle walks down the hallway. “Ms Rose. A word.” Mr. English waves her into his empty classroom. He closes the door behind her. “Your paper from Tuesday was great. Needs a little work though.” He informed her. “What needs work if it was great?” She points out. She walks behind the desk for a better look. Her hand rests at the bottom of the page. His hand creeps to hers until it’s sitting on top of hers. “I see. Maybe you can tutor me sometime.” She looks into his eyes. “Well if you ever need some extra help with anything don’t be afraid to ask for it.” He says, writing his number on a neon yellow sticky note. “I will keep that in mind.” Danielle slips it into her book as a teacher enters the room. “Hey, there is a meeting in the teachers’ lounge.” The woman informs. “Thank you. I will work harder. Pinky promise.” Danielle leaves the classroom.
Only thirty minutes until Danielle’s slumber party and everything was set up. Tiny beds placed around her room. Decorations and a chef for the girls. “Be safe tonight. No intense games like before Danielle.” Felton says with a stern tone. “I understand daddy. We are simply going to just have fun and eat snacks and maybe watch movies or do each other’s hair and makeup and just hang out.” Danielle explains. “I mean it. Your mother and I are going on a well-deserved date night and we would like it to be undisturbed. Keep Nate away from the girls.” Her father adds. “Nate get down here.” He yells. Hazel enters the room wearing a royal blue dress with a gold zipper in the back and her blue heels. She clipped on her gold earrings. “Are you ready, my love?” She asks, kissing Felton’s cheek. “Yes I am. You’re so beautiful.” He held her gently. She turned so he could zip her up.
Nate flew downstairs fully dressed. “Yeah dad?” He asks. “You have plans tonight?” Felton asks, surprised. “Yeah. I’m sleeping over Carl’s house with some of the guys. I’m not being trapped in here with them.” Nate explained zipping up his duffel bag. “Good, because none of us wanted you here.” Danielle makes her way upstairs. “Be safe and have fun.” Hazel kisses Nate as Lucas waits at the elevator. “We will go down with you. Dani behave!” Hazel yelled as they crowded the elevator.
Danielle sat at her vanity, twiddling the piece of paper between her fingers. Finally, she decided to do it. She texted him. Hey. With a heart emoji. Now she waits, but not for long. His reply was simple and sweet.
Him <3: I thought you wouldn’t text me.
Dani : I was getting ready for this sleepover with a few friends. I just can’t get you out of my head. Is that wrong?
Him <3: oh. Have fun. Going to have pillow fights and face masks? Lol.
Dani : Lol, no. We are just gossiping. Might go out on the town. Get into a little trouble.
Him <3: well I know a bar downtown that would be fun. It’s called Harry’s. I know it doesn’t sound like a place you’d go but it’s fun.
Dani : We will see how “fun” it is lol.r />
Him <3: Be careful. Wouldn’t want anything happening to such a beautiful girl like yourself.
Dani : Hopefully a handsome man will be there to save me. Goodnight lover boy. Btw that’s your new name in my phone <3 :)
Loverboy : I like it. My Queen. Goodnight.
Five came and the girls arrived with their clothes. “Your place is so gorg! Totally worth sneaking out for.” Trish comments, rushing in. “Thanks. I thought it was very homie. So, to start the night off I was thinking massages and then seaweed wrap and then facials.” Danielle claps twice and the spa staff appear. “Yes. Yes. Yes!” Bethany runs to the table. “Trish, why did you have to sneak out?” Danielle asked. “My parents hate me that's why.” Trish answers.
The clothes came off and the girls were now being massaged. “This feels absolutely amazing, especially after a long week.” Amber groans. “This hot stone back massage is to die for.” Danielle comments, checking out her freshly done claw nails. “A little lower please. Don’t be shy.” Trish tells the masseuse. “What are we doing after this?” Crystal asks through her facial mask. “Well maybe we can go to a bar. Get out of the rich and shiny life for a night. Who knows. Might even meet a bad boy.” Danielle explains. “Oh, that actually sounds kind of fun, I am so down!” Amber yells.
“I have nothing to wear. Just these.” Crystal shows off her collection of cute eighties themed clothes. “Cute but not acceptable. Come on.” Danielle and the girls get ready to go to the city for a shopping spree. “I never had anyone to dress me before. And I’m fat no one would even look at me.” Crystal looks at her lap. “You are not fat. You just have to feel confident in yourself to be a bad bitch and I am going to help build that confidence.” Danielle pulled her head up. “What is your ideal weight?” Danielle asks. “Whatever Jason Mamoa weighs, that, on top of me.” Crystal shoots back nearly snorting. Danielle rolled her eyes but couldn't help but laugh. Crystal pulled out her little red sponge and applied blush onto her chubby cheeks. “A sponge? What are you, an old church woman? No, we are going now!” Danielle pulled Crystal to the door. “It is hard looking for cute clothes for me. Fashion hates big girls.” Crystal informs. “You just haven’t given anything a chance.” Danielle latches to Crystal’s arm. “Before we go, can I use the bathroom really quick?” Crystal asked. “Yeah, through there.” Danielle pointed the way.
The girls got dressed and played in make up while the sink water ran longer than it should have. Danielle knew exactly what was going on. Crystal exited. “Thought you were drowning yourself for a second.” Danielle jokes. “I think lunch didn’t settle right or something.” Crystal laughs nervously. Danielle reached under her dresser for a bag of orange pills. “I used to do the same thing. This is a healthier way. They will make you not hungry, just do not take them at night. It’s not fun.” Danielle whispered. “What is it? Like crack?” Crystal whispered. “Wha- Crystal. It’s Adderall. Jesus what kind of person do you take me for.” Danielle was shocked. “I’m so sorry. Just nervous.” Crystal covers her face.
The girls threw all the customers out of every store they went to. Danielle picked out all new outfits for Crystal. Dresses and skirts and tops of all kinds. The girls shut down Sephora and stocked up on new products. “You are not fat. You're thick. There’s a difference. At least you’re not a virgin.” Danielle says to Crystal. “You aren’t. Right?” Danielle asks, suspicions from the silence. “I’ve done other stuff. But I just never got that lucky.” She responded, fixing her hair in the mirror. “She was the blow job Queen last year.” Bethany laughed. “At least she could get it.” Danielle snapped. “Lose it when you are ready. Not because you’re pressured into it.” Danielle assures her. “Or MAC lip gloss.” Amber commented, holding the tube to her lips. Everyone just looked at her. “What? MAC lip gloss will always get you some dick. So I have heard.” Amber says. Crystal picks up two.
The clock struck nine thirty, and the girls changed and were ready to head out. Danielle wore a short dress. Half was solid blue and the other half was made like a leather biker jacket with thigh high boots. Her fire orange hair curled down her sides. She led the pack to Harry’s Bar. “This is a cute little bar, but how are we going to drink?” Bethany asks. “Hun, you use these. Those will make guys do anything.” Danielle grabs Amber’s boobs.
When they walked in the bar, classic rock music blared, and people were smoking and drinking beer. Some guys crowded the pool tables. One guy was at the bar. Familiar backside. Deep blue eyes hidden under a black ball cap. “Go have fun.” Danielle walks over to a pool table. A group of young guys checking her out. “You seem to be in the wrong place, pretty lady.” One says. “I like to have some fun once in a while. Be adventurous. How about you show me how you guys play, Because where I’m from, I’d whoop that ass.” Danielle flirts. “Rack em up Bobby.” He yells, putting the toothpick in the corner of his mouth. “Can I have your name?” He asks. “Win and I’ll give it to you.” She grabs a pool stick. The man at the bar watches quietly. She spots and winks. The girls spread around the bar dancing and mingling. Crystal snags a cute one and they go outside to smoke.
“So, are you from around here?” He asks, lighting a cigarette. “No. From the Hampton area.” Crystal pulls out a lollipop and starts to suck on it. “So, what is a girl like you doing down here talking to a guy like me?” He asks. “Being adventurous. Having a little fun. I don’t even know your name though.” Crystal smiles. “Does it matter?” He says, pulling out a condom. “You’re so fucking hot. And if I can’t see you when I want to, then let me give you a reason to come back.” He whispers, his hands start to move higher up her skirt. His lips press against hers as she leads him behind the bar. Pushing him against the wall, Crystal was on her knees. He begs her to stop. “What’s wrong?” Crystal asks, looking up at him like a puppy. “That’s the best head I’ve ever had. Let me show you what I can do.” He lets out a nervous laugh. Crystal is against the wall, a leg on his shoulder. His tongue danced on her skin, twirled gently as she covered her mouth to not make a noise. He stood up and put the condom on. He kissed her neck as he entered her slowly. She couldn’t handle being quiet anymore. She looked up at the stars. It felt good. It felt greater than she could have imagined, and then he was finished. He tossed the condom aside and gave her his number. “That was really great. See you around.” She says, biting her lip. “I’m Vic. Wait, how old are you?” He asked in a laugh. “If I told you, you’d freak out. Vic.” She blew a kiss and entered the bar.
Nate and Carl became close quickly. They mostly liked the same thing. Football, parties and girls. It was almost as if they were the same person. They both made long mental lists of the things they liked and disliked about females.
They liked short skirts and short shorts, they also liked flats and heels of all kinds. But not flip flops or slides unless they are only worn in the house only. Carl mostly liked tan lines, long necks, long hair to pull on. Good posture and fruity perfume. Girly girls were his go to. He liked full lips, and small noses. Light makeup, but not too much that made you look like a clown. Nate liked laid back girls. Girls that aren’t afraid to get dirty and have fun. He hated snobby girls and girls who were too good for certain activities. I guess you could say his sister, but even she likes to keep people on their toes.
At the frat party, Nate dances and mixed into the crowd. The music exploded through the windows. There were multiple joints being passed around. Carl did a line of coke and headed upstairs with some girl. “Bro you want some?” A man, obviously not a high schooler asks. “What are they?” Nate investigates the tiny bag that held two pills inside. “MDMA” The man says. “Molly. It’s safe and good. I usually sell them at seventy-five, but since you’re new I’ll do fifty as a first-time customer. I’ll even throw in a free one.” He convinces. “You should be a car salesman. Here, a hundred. I don’t knock anyone’s hustle bro.” Nate slaps the bill into his hand. “Thanks bro. The name is Dallas.” He says. “Nate.” They shook hands again. “If
you ever need anything, you know where to find me.” Dallas says.
Sneaking out a joint of his own, Nate sat on the dock drinking his beer and thinking. “Hey, get out of here.” This guy yells, slurring his words. “I don’t want any trouble bro.” Nate held his hands up in surrender. “I know you. I heard rumors about you. You a bitch.” The guy stepped closer. “Get out of my face.” Nate stood his ground. The wind calmed down. The music started to fade from the anger. He whispered one word to him, and that was the feather that broke the camel's back. Nate punched and punched and kicked and slammed and got lost in the anger. Everything was red. The guy. His face. Nathaniel’s hands. And then he stood up. Taking everything in. The motionless body on the grass.
3 . Brotherhood
When Nate was young he always had someone to look up to. His dad was the best businessman he knew, given he was a child at the time. His older brother Donovan was popular, handsome and friendly. Everyone loved him. Sometimes Nate thought his father favored him more. Donovan and Danielle could get away with murder, but not Nate. In reality, Felton always only wanted the best for his kids. He was secretly in competition with his childhood best friend Julian Dayton.
In middle school, things started changing. Donovan was in his last years of high school, Danielle became a party girl with her best friend Brielle. Nate sometimes hated to admit it, but he had a small crush on Brielle. Now it wasn’t because she was black or unattractive. She was beautiful. He just spends so much time with her growing up he saw her as a sister. Was it wrong to have these feelings?